Back to post again..
sebenarnya sudah lama mau nulis tentang ini
anak-anak muda indonesia yang menginspirasi
mengingat sekarang yang sering diliput dan dikenal hanya mereka yang bergerak di dunia seni peran
saya memutuskan untuk membuat postingan ini.
bukan berarti mereka yang bergelut di seni peran kurang menarik perhatian saya pribadi.
Tapi saya menemukan hal-hal unik pada mereka yang akan saya jabarkan dalam tulisan saya ini.
let's take a look
1. Alanda Kariza
Do you know her?
This young lady..
if you know her... congrats...
berarti kamu menggunakan media sosial dengan baik dan benar..
if you don't know her yet...
i'll tell you.. who is she..
Alanda Kariza
Berulang tahun pada tanggal 23 Februari...
Dilahirkan di jakarta tepat nya di tahun 1991
such a young and fresh..
seumuran adek saya.
Kalau ditilik dari usia dia jauh lebih muda dari saya, tapi prestasinya sungguh sangat membuat saya iri.
pertama tahu tentang Alanda Kariza karena beli buku "My Life as A writer"
sekitar dua tahun lalu.
Awalnya beli buku itu karena ada kak Vabyo #fangirldetected dan pada dasarnya jauh dilubuk hati yang terdalam saya punya keinginan untuk jadi penulis.. sebenarnya ingin menulis sih yang tepat
karena kalau jadi penulis beneran kayaknya terlalu muluk ya..
di Buku non fiksi terbitan plotpoint ini,
Alanda Kariza disandingkan dengan beberapa penulis yang sepengetahuan saya sudah malang melintang dengan berbagai karya yang fenomenal dan pasti nya saya kenal.
But, alanda, who's this young lady?
kenapa saya bisa melewatkan untuk tidak tahu siapa sosoknya..
di usia yang masih belia dia sudah berada di satu buku bersama Vabyo, Clara Ng dan mba Dewi Lestari.
yang membuat saya semakin penasaran akan sosoknya adalah karena dia tidak hanya seorang penulis.dia memiliki prestasi yang membuat saya kagum.
Sejak usia belia dia sudah menjadi aktivis, bahkan pernah mendaftar ke LSM ketika ia lulus smp.
The Cure For Tommorow, adalah organisasi yang ia dirikan bersama teman-teman nya ketika ia berusia 15 tahun, saya aja umur segitu banyak main nya.
The Cure For Tommorow sendiri organisasi yang kegiatannya antara lain mengumpulkan donasi untuk
bencana, membuat workshop tentang daur ulang, mengampanyekan pemanasan
global, dan lain-lain
Alanda menjadi perwakilan Indonesia untuk menghadiri One Young World di Pittsburgh, Amerika Serikat.
Dihadiri 1.200 anak muda dari lebih dari 180 negara yang hadir untuk membahas
berbagai isu penting yang menimpa masyarakat global bersama
pemimpin-pemimpin dunia.
Alanda juga pernah menjadi panelis di salah satu konferensi ILO di General Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, Jenewa, Swiss.
Yang mana kegiatannya adalah diskusi di panel yang sama dengan Duta PBB untuk Anak Muda.
Berdasarkan wawancara pada media online, Alanda sangat antusias dalam menyampaikan gagsannya.
Pada tahun 2009, Alanda dipilih untuk merepresentasikan Indonesia dalam Global Changemakers Guildford Forum 2009. Ia juga mewakili Indonesia dalam Global Changemakers at the G-20 London Summit
Yang kemudian hingga ia mendirikan Indonesian Youth Conference.
IYC sendiri awalnya adalah event tahunan yang berada dibawah Sinergi Muda.
“Sinergi Muda bercita-cita untuk bisa menjadi jembatan yang
menghubungkan sedemikian banyak komunitas dan gerakan yang dimotori oleh
anak muda Indonesia. Kami berharap dengan diselenggarakannya peluncuran
Sinergi muda, Indonesia Youth Conference, Ngode, dan Program-program
lainnya, cita-cita ini bisa kita raih bersama-sama,” jelas Alanda
Kariza, salah satu Dewan Pengawas Sinergi Muda
Selain aktivis seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, Alanda sendiri adalah seorang penulis,
Mint Chocolate Chips adalah karya novel pertama nya, ketika ia berusia 14 tahun.
Alanda melanjutkan karier menulisnya sebagai penulis lepas di berbagai majalah remaja, termasuk Hai, Gogirl, kawanku, dan Provoke.
Vice Versa, adalah antologi cerita pendeknya pada tahun 2010,yang mana merupakan project menulis yang di inisiasi oleh Sitta Karina yang sebagian royalti nya di sumbangkan untuk anak-anak putus sekolah.
Dream Catcher, karya non fiksi pertama nya, yang mana berisi motivasi anak muda.
My Life as a writer, buku dimana ia terlibat sebagai salah satu penulis yang dimana menceritakan secara gamblang bagaimana kecintaan Alanda terhadap menulis disamping kegiatannya sebagai sktifis muda Indonesia di forum Internasional.
“DreamCatcher menyimpan jawaban bahwa hidup akan lebih menyenangkan bila kita bisa mewujudkan impian.” – Pandji Pragiwaksono, a man living his dreams.
Travel young, buku terbaru Alanda, yang sampai sekarang masih ada di waiting list saya,
entah kapan ya jadi ke beli hee.
oh iya lupa di The Journey 2, Alanda juga ikut ambil bagian.
Buku yang menuliskan tentang para pejalan dalam menjelajah nusantara, cerita dari tanah beta ini,
Alanda menuliskan pengalaman traveling nya ke Lombok.
That's all...???
nggak.. masih banyak hal hal amazing lainnya tentang Alanda Kariza.
You can find out about her at ig alandakariza
about her ldr to her fiance and etc.
2. Evita Nuh
Kenal sama adik kecil cantik ini?
atau pernah dengar nama Evita Nuh?
hmmm Bagaimana dengan gambar berikut ya..
Do you see that bag?
The yellow one with TAXI word..
Itu adalah tas dengan model yang sama dipakai desainer hijab kenamaan Indonesia Dian Pelangi, penyanyi Andien Aisyah, another fashion blogger and writer Diana Rikasari dan juga fashion blogger Indonesia yang sekarang stay di Milan.
That's bag was desaigned by this talented lil girl... Evita Nuh..
keren kan..
Awalnya tau Evita Nuh dari hasil stalking Ig
kebiasaan saya ketika mengulik ol shop adalah mengklik nama model yang mengenakan product mereka.
waktu itu saya melihat Evita Nuh di oline workshop
adik kecil cantik ini mengenakan outer kimono yang eye catchy sangat buat saya.
Nama Evita Nuh muncul diblog komunitas penulis fashion di Asia Tenggara, tonguechic.com dalam deretan Fashion Brights Under 16.
Ia berada di posisi ketiga setelah model terkenal dari Amerika Serikat,
Tavi Gevinson dan The Stylish Wanderer. Dari 16 nama di list, Ia merupakanyang paling muda.
Amazing adalah ketika saya membaca sebuah posting di blog bahwa Evita Nuh mulai hobi nya sebagai fashion blogger di usia yang masih dini, 9 tahun.
Dari yang saya baca di blog pribadi nya, hampir semua postingan menggunakan bahasa inggris yang kalau boleh jujur levelnya jauh di atas saya. Keren banget kan.
Dari hasil wawancara sebuah media gadis yang masih berusia 16 tahun ini, awal mula menyukai dunia fashion karena blog yang pertama ia baca adalah blog tentang fashion. Jadi setiap link yang ada di blog tersebut all about fashion, ini membuatnya berpikir bahwa ngeblog itu murni isinya fashion saja. XDD
Punya clothing line sendiri, kemudian rutin melakukan postingan di beberapa akun sosmed miliknya, ternyata Chacha panggilan akrab Evita Nuh mengatakan kalau kesehariannya seperti murid murid sekolah pada umumnya.
Pergi sekolah dari seni-jum'at, pergi les macam-macam pelajaran sekolah, musik, dance dll, pulang ke rumah biasanya pada jam 8-9 malam.
sedangkan weekend adalah waktunya untuk bekerja dan melakukan hobi di bidang fashion.
Evita Nuh kerap disamakan dengan Tavi Gevinson, Pengamat Mode Nomor Satu Dunia, karena kesamaan mereka mulai menyukai fashion dan terkenal diusia muda belia.
di satu postingan blog nya, Evita Nuh seolah menjawab pertanyaan yang mungkin penasaran dengan bagaimana ia membagi waktu, antara sekolah, bermain, dan kegiatannya sebagai fashion blogger yang kemudian punya clothing line sendiri.
Karena ia menyukai mode, maka ia tidak merasakan kejenuhan dengan aktifitasnya.
Dan ia tidak merasa terbebani dengan pencapaian yang ia dapatkan di usia belia ini.
Pada Agustus 2011, ada satu halaman di majalah Italia, Grazia, yang khusus memuat Evita Nuh. Bahkan, menurut www.babble.com, Evita termasuk 1 dari 10 blogger muda paling berpengaruh di dunia (Top Kid and Teen Bloggers: 10 most influential young bloggers).
Almarhum ayahnya adalah orang yang paling berpengaruh dalam hidup Chacha.
Terlihat dari motivasi hidupnya
"Making my papa in heaven smile and proud of to see me from above, do good things in my life, so good i can imagine he's up there telling he's heaven mate that's my little daughter, right there with big proud smile."
Menurut Evita Nuh sendiri,pada awalnya ia mengenalkan fashionnya kepada publik bukan settingan, tapi memang karena itu adalah gaya nya, itu adalah sebagaimana style yang ia suka.
there are the bags wich is she designed
looks so pwity right...
Kalo punya uang lebih pengen punya satu dah ya hiiiii
you can find how she dress, what the story she share here
http://www.jellyjellybeans.blogspot.com dengan nama The crème de la crop sejak 5 tahun lalu.
or at ig Evita Nuh
and hers clothing line ig enpens
Minggu, 31 Mei 2015
Dear My Future Love 4
How are you?
hmmm it's have been long time..
since the last time i write something about you..
even today..
on Sunday, May 31st 2015..
i still not yet meet you...
i wish you have a happy and healthy life..
no matter what kind of you are...
i wish..
even you have a bad day..
because a random thing..
you can face it..
don't care you win it or not..
i just want you can pass it with smile instead..
if you lost it..
just let it go..
and try again next time..
don't you know...
at the end of May
i face struggle situation...
i made a plan with my mom from long time ago..
we made up to have some bussiness together..
while my mom as the ppl will sell the things..
me.. will prepare about money
and find some good things to sell..
such as fashion...
in order to do that..
i'll submit kredit file to Bank..
while that i've to leave some important thing there..
it's called SK and Taspen...
as a government employee..
first everything same turn well..
i prepare the thing..
carry on my bag to copy it...
But in the other hand..
it doesn't simple as i dream...
at tomorrow day..
i can't find the thing in my bag...
i looked for whole the house..
but i still can't see it by my sight..
at first i still hang on there..
be positive thinking like what i've done usually..
i thought that things left at office when i came yesterday..
when i ask to ppl thee..
they said didn't see it..
i come home...then..
and i kept search it till i tired..
still nothing.. TT_TT
at night i feel so much tired..
my whole body lost the energy instead...
still wishing for miracle..
there's gonna be someone come to find me..
and say they find my things...
till the next day it's nothing...
i found myself so much struggle for this..
i can't go work...
even not going to wash and not having meal..
my body so much weak...
all day long i just so blankly..
what must i do..
how i can say this happening to ppl..
esp my family...
how about my plan..
a lot of thing come to my senses..
i have gone through..
i lost my apetite.,.
i lost my mind..
my mood goes bad...
i don't even go out from my room...
but the sddest thing is..
i didn't cry any at the time....
i mean... i'm the stage of lot of pain by myself..
how careless i was.. it hurt my pride..
why i made my ownself to face the hard time...
and i even not talk about it to anyone...
i just..
i still wish..
it's all about my dream..
when i wake up in the morning..
everything will set up be like always..
just like before the things gone ...
there's a random quiz on fb
"What kind of ability that you ever wish, you have?"
at the time i wanna have ability to jumper..
which is i can transfer in to someplace easy..
just with a blink eyes and think about that place i want to go..
and.. voila just a second when i open my eyes..
i'll be there..
but now.. i want to change it..
i wanna have ability to find something missing...
i mean things, stuff..like that..
seems like this kind of ability will be really useful not only for me..
to a lot of ppl...
how i dream so much..
even at the time like this i made it in my day..
while have a bad day i think..
how if when i got blankly because of messed thing
and i have some ppl or family
which is i have take care of..
will i gone triug this way..
than i realize..
that's why..
what's happen to ppl which is dating and then they break-up..
maybe one of the answer is they can't reconcile the situation when they have a hard time..
it's can take easy if just one side have gone througt
but.. how if the hard time come up at the same way..
a bad day on office...
family problem..
like that..
when they got tired and can't think clearly..
then they will cursed each other..
each side wishing for more attention..
but they forget to reduce their ego center love at first..
then i decided..
if this situation come to us one day..
when we've already belong each other..
will you just give me a warm big hug..
instead throw warm word...
coz the first thing that i really want to do
after face a hard day is.. to be in your arm...
hug you thighly...
maybe it's not really solve the problem..
i want recharge my energy with this kind of action..
will you do it for me...
after all the hard time
while we outside to work and other..
i hope we can ended of the day comeback
to our happy home
we have to do it..
in the future....
yes we have...
cz no matter what..
even i have a lot of bad habbit..
at least i want to be a good one for Us...
be good in a good way, of course..
promise me...
my future husband....
G'D Nite..
i wish June will be good to both of Us
your sweet June ^_^
How are you?
hmmm it's have been long time..
since the last time i write something about you..
even today..
on Sunday, May 31st 2015..
i still not yet meet you...
i wish you have a happy and healthy life..
no matter what kind of you are...
i wish..
even you have a bad day..
because a random thing..
you can face it..
don't care you win it or not..
i just want you can pass it with smile instead..
if you lost it..
just let it go..
and try again next time..
don't you know...
at the end of May
i face struggle situation...
i made a plan with my mom from long time ago..
we made up to have some bussiness together..
while my mom as the ppl will sell the things..
me.. will prepare about money
and find some good things to sell..
such as fashion...
in order to do that..
i'll submit kredit file to Bank..
while that i've to leave some important thing there..
it's called SK and Taspen...
as a government employee..
first everything same turn well..
i prepare the thing..
carry on my bag to copy it...
But in the other hand..
it doesn't simple as i dream...
at tomorrow day..
i can't find the thing in my bag...
i looked for whole the house..
but i still can't see it by my sight..
at first i still hang on there..
be positive thinking like what i've done usually..
i thought that things left at office when i came yesterday..
when i ask to ppl thee..
they said didn't see it..
i come home...then..
and i kept search it till i tired..
still nothing.. TT_TT
at night i feel so much tired..
my whole body lost the energy instead...
still wishing for miracle..
there's gonna be someone come to find me..
and say they find my things...
till the next day it's nothing...
i found myself so much struggle for this..
i can't go work...
even not going to wash and not having meal..
my body so much weak...
all day long i just so blankly..
what must i do..
how i can say this happening to ppl..
esp my family...
how about my plan..
a lot of thing come to my senses..
i have gone through..
i lost my apetite.,.
i lost my mind..
my mood goes bad...
i don't even go out from my room...
but the sddest thing is..
i didn't cry any at the time....
i mean... i'm the stage of lot of pain by myself..
how careless i was.. it hurt my pride..
why i made my ownself to face the hard time...
and i even not talk about it to anyone...
i just..
i still wish..
it's all about my dream..
when i wake up in the morning..
everything will set up be like always..
just like before the things gone ...
there's a random quiz on fb
"What kind of ability that you ever wish, you have?"
at the time i wanna have ability to jumper..
which is i can transfer in to someplace easy..
just with a blink eyes and think about that place i want to go..
and.. voila just a second when i open my eyes..
i'll be there..
but now.. i want to change it..
i wanna have ability to find something missing...
i mean things, stuff..like that..
seems like this kind of ability will be really useful not only for me..
to a lot of ppl...
how i dream so much..
even at the time like this i made it in my day..
while have a bad day i think..
how if when i got blankly because of messed thing
and i have some ppl or family
which is i have take care of..
will i gone triug this way..
than i realize..
that's why..
what's happen to ppl which is dating and then they break-up..
maybe one of the answer is they can't reconcile the situation when they have a hard time..
it's can take easy if just one side have gone througt
but.. how if the hard time come up at the same way..
a bad day on office...
family problem..
like that..
when they got tired and can't think clearly..
then they will cursed each other..
each side wishing for more attention..
but they forget to reduce their ego center love at first..
then i decided..
if this situation come to us one day..
when we've already belong each other..
will you just give me a warm big hug..
instead throw warm word...
coz the first thing that i really want to do
after face a hard day is.. to be in your arm...
hug you thighly...
maybe it's not really solve the problem..
i want recharge my energy with this kind of action..
will you do it for me...
after all the hard time
while we outside to work and other..
i hope we can ended of the day comeback
to our happy home
we have to do it..
in the future....
yes we have...
cz no matter what..
even i have a lot of bad habbit..
at least i want to be a good one for Us...
be good in a good way, of course..
promise me...
my future husband....
G'D Nite..
i wish June will be good to both of Us
your sweet June ^_^
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015
Try to be Honest
Di balik setiap kejadian yang tidak mengenakan..
at least yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana harapan...
pasti ada moral stories yang bisa diambil...
seperti kondisi gw sekarang...
kehilangan barang bukan akhir dari segalanya..
walau itu barang berharga sekalipun...
setidak nya gw tidak kehilangan hidup yg gw miliki..
i mean..
there's must be another way to escape..
pasti ada jalan keluar..
bukan kah setiap masalah yang dialammi oleh manusia..
seperti ujian untuk menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya..
secara mental pasti..
bagaimana seseorang terlebih dahulu menangani emosi yang ia miliki..
next adalah.. bagaimana seseorang itu bisa bangkit kembali
bukankah itu adalah inti dari kehidupan..
there's gonna be lot of unexpected thing will come..
tapi yang harus diingat..
layaknya setelah hujan badai..
akan ada pelangi yang berwarna warni...
serta matahari yang akan kembali bersinar..
layak nya pada malam yang gelap sekali pun..
bintang dan bulan akan setia menerangi..
jika tidak hujan dan kabut tentu nya..
setelah berpikir dan berkabung selama hampir 24 jam..
one thing for sure...
the affection of not a good feel is...
nafsu makan jadi tidak menentu...
selera makan gw gak kemaruk kayak last week..
dimana gw mengalami kenaikan berat badan..
setelah berpikir cukup lama..
gw sampai pada kesimpulan..
jika barang yg penting sekalipun hilang...
satu2 nya jalan keluar adalah..
mengganti nya dengan yang baru...
no matter kind of this stuff..
my weakness is..
i try hard to keep in mind be positive..
that's my stuff will be back...
but even at the time goes by..
gw harus merelakan nya..
dengan merelakan setidaknya membuat hati lebih sedikit lega..
dibanding menyalahkan diri sendiri
atas semua yang terjadi...
sudah sepatut nya untuk memulai awal yang lebih baik..
mengakui dan menyatakan jika barang berharga itu sendiri hilang...
at least yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana harapan...
pasti ada moral stories yang bisa diambil...
seperti kondisi gw sekarang...
kehilangan barang bukan akhir dari segalanya..
walau itu barang berharga sekalipun...
setidak nya gw tidak kehilangan hidup yg gw miliki..
i mean..
there's must be another way to escape..
pasti ada jalan keluar..
bukan kah setiap masalah yang dialammi oleh manusia..
seperti ujian untuk menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya..
secara mental pasti..
bagaimana seseorang terlebih dahulu menangani emosi yang ia miliki..
next adalah.. bagaimana seseorang itu bisa bangkit kembali
bukankah itu adalah inti dari kehidupan..
there's gonna be lot of unexpected thing will come..
tapi yang harus diingat..
layaknya setelah hujan badai..
akan ada pelangi yang berwarna warni...
serta matahari yang akan kembali bersinar..
layak nya pada malam yang gelap sekali pun..
bintang dan bulan akan setia menerangi..
jika tidak hujan dan kabut tentu nya..
setelah berpikir dan berkabung selama hampir 24 jam..
one thing for sure...
the affection of not a good feel is...
nafsu makan jadi tidak menentu...
selera makan gw gak kemaruk kayak last week..
dimana gw mengalami kenaikan berat badan..
setelah berpikir cukup lama..
gw sampai pada kesimpulan..
jika barang yg penting sekalipun hilang...
satu2 nya jalan keluar adalah..
mengganti nya dengan yang baru...
no matter kind of this stuff..
my weakness is..
i try hard to keep in mind be positive..
that's my stuff will be back...
but even at the time goes by..
gw harus merelakan nya..
dengan merelakan setidaknya membuat hati lebih sedikit lega..
dibanding menyalahkan diri sendiri
atas semua yang terjadi...
sudah sepatut nya untuk memulai awal yang lebih baik..
mengakui dan menyatakan jika barang berharga itu sendiri hilang...
May... Hard day
There isn't special thing at this month..
just ike usually...
today rain..
tomorrow hottest.. because the sun shine brightly
at the other day clowdy
the next rain and sunny come together...
But there's a day..
when i find myself struggling more than before...
from the beginning of May..
there's Bubu B'Day...
the next week my relative passed away...
a lot of working outside office..
going to someplace..
by the land that's so hard...
there's wedding too..
that i can't attend..
because my working..
honestly i want go there..
but because i'm lil bit sick..
then i consumpt some medicine which is made me ended up slept easily..
a lot of to do...
there's not yet much biggest thing ever of the month..
almost the end of may...
while i'm busy prepare for my mom and my plan...
one of important thing was dissapear...
my SK...
the 1st one, the latest one and my Taspen...
i can remember how i menage the thing before it missing someplace...
ah... so angry to myself..
why so careless...
till i write this post i still not yet made a report missing stuff to police office..
i still wishing for miracle..
as like..
i can find the stuff in my house...
or there's gonna be someone with a good heart give it to me...
i wish..
even in my dream i still wish..
and now..
when i looking for my ID Card..
i can't find it everywhere that i think i leave it...
how can i do this..
why so careless..
even somehow ppl will say..
that's no one can guess this condition will come in their life...
i feel so bad for myself..
i mean..
i have a good plaaning to do..
but why is getting hard to make it happen..
feel like some ppl pick pocket my thing while i'm outside...
really can't handle it somehow..
even today i lost my appetite..
i just have meal once..
instant noodle...
the rest is snack and white water...
then my job desk get delay for time being that i don't know how long...
i just..
why this year.. 2015..
every uneven month..
there gonna be messed thing happen..
how can i handle this...
so tired....
just ike usually...
today rain..
tomorrow hottest.. because the sun shine brightly
at the other day clowdy
the next rain and sunny come together...
But there's a day..
when i find myself struggling more than before...
from the beginning of May..
there's Bubu B'Day...
the next week my relative passed away...
a lot of working outside office..
going to someplace..
by the land that's so hard...
there's wedding too..
that i can't attend..
because my working..
honestly i want go there..
but because i'm lil bit sick..
then i consumpt some medicine which is made me ended up slept easily..
a lot of to do...
there's not yet much biggest thing ever of the month..
almost the end of may...
while i'm busy prepare for my mom and my plan...
one of important thing was dissapear...
my SK...
the 1st one, the latest one and my Taspen...
i can remember how i menage the thing before it missing someplace...
ah... so angry to myself..
why so careless...
till i write this post i still not yet made a report missing stuff to police office..
i still wishing for miracle..
as like..
i can find the stuff in my house...
or there's gonna be someone with a good heart give it to me...
i wish..
even in my dream i still wish..
and now..
when i looking for my ID Card..
i can't find it everywhere that i think i leave it...
how can i do this..
why so careless..
even somehow ppl will say..
that's no one can guess this condition will come in their life...
i feel so bad for myself..
i mean..
i have a good plaaning to do..
but why is getting hard to make it happen..
feel like some ppl pick pocket my thing while i'm outside...
really can't handle it somehow..
even today i lost my appetite..
i just have meal once..
instant noodle...
the rest is snack and white water...
then my job desk get delay for time being that i don't know how long...
i just..
why this year.. 2015..
every uneven month..
there gonna be messed thing happen..
how can i handle this...
so tired....
Minggu, 15 Maret 2015
when gentle rains come
on sleepless night..
seoul lonely..
your memory embrace me..
time to time you cross my mind..
remind me about
one fine day with you..
your sweet smile..
your gentle smell..
all about you
when there's only me in your eyes..
kiss the missing pieces of us..
the time goes by..
and my tears fall down..
have you ever think about me...
just like iam now
you are the sweet summer dream ever..
a season with you..
will last forever in my memories..
i'm a girl
who standing by street lamp by the rain..
the one who missing you so much
on sleepless night..
seoul lonely..
your memory embrace me..
time to time you cross my mind..
remind me about
one fine day with you..
your sweet smile..
your gentle smell..
all about you
when there's only me in your eyes..
kiss the missing pieces of us..
the time goes by..
and my tears fall down..
have you ever think about me...
just like iam now
you are the sweet summer dream ever..
a season with you..
will last forever in my memories..
i'm a girl
who standing by street lamp by the rain..
the one who missing you so much
Best Time
what's day today?
it's sunday..
common ppl love this day a lot..
but why my heart goes blankly..
for me..
the best time is when my family around..
esp Mom...
being with mom is always good time..
everytime around with her
we always do like..
there something to wash..
we keep said
"Mom, let me do this."
then mom said "No, let me do."
we keep said that line to other...
in the end..
mom do dish
and i wash the clothes..
cooked, cleaning house, go to market, watching tv, or just talking about thing..
i love do it with mom...
i'm a two timer girl...
i can be a mom girl... at other time i'm being oppa fangirling..
that is my world now...
i just wait...
what next..
how if there is real oppa come... haha..
have a good weekend..
it's sunday..
common ppl love this day a lot..
but why my heart goes blankly..
for me..
the best time is when my family around..
esp Mom...
being with mom is always good time..
everytime around with her
we always do like..
there something to wash..
we keep said
"Mom, let me do this."
then mom said "No, let me do."
we keep said that line to other...
in the end..
mom do dish
and i wash the clothes..
cooked, cleaning house, go to market, watching tv, or just talking about thing..
i love do it with mom...
i'm a two timer girl...
i can be a mom girl... at other time i'm being oppa fangirling..
that is my world now...
i just wait...
what next..
how if there is real oppa come... haha..
have a good weekend..
Visit Korea 2015, Prepare Time
take a deep breathe..
to much excited...
Setelah diskusi alot bersama Lia dari tahun ke tahun... haha..
Korean trip ini sudah lama gw bidik..
tepatnya kapan gw mulai chit chat sama Lia juga sudah lupa..
awal tahun 2014 gw ajak dia .. egen... berangkat entah di Oktober atau December..
dgn alasan..
kalo ntargw menikah di 2015 yah susah perginya..
pede amat ..
yakin merit githu..
padahal yg bakal ngajak ke penghulu belum jelas..
yah namanya nasib siapa tau kan..
so skip skip..
karena uang juga masih kembang kempis..
padahal tahun kemarin gw gak kemana-mana,,,
gak ikut trip Thailand..
cancel Jawatimur trip...
demi nabung untuk Korea...
terakhir ngetrip 2013 maret..
ke singapore...
langsung terkuras tabungan..
dan musti nabung 2 tahun lebih baru ngetrip lagi haha..
setelah searching berbagai tur.. dan masih bingung mau ikut yang mana..
gak pede pergi backpacker sendiri..
karena terganjal pengurusan visa...
daripada di tolak kan...
mending ikut yg pasti..
and one day..
Lia cerita kalo ada temannya Dwi yg mau ngetrip ke Korrea lagi...
so here we are..
join trip nya Dwi, dia yg ngurusin semua nya...
jadi kita tinggal bayar gitu....
transfer pertama buat tiket awal Maret kemarin..
tabungan gw langsung kemarau sampai mengering hahaha..
planningnya berangkat di October ntar..
dengan rute
nginap di KL dulu besoknya pagi baru ke Seoul...
oke lah...
sekarang yg jadi pikiran gw adalah...
ntar gw ke Bjm nya pake travel atau ikut jalur air..
duuuhh pergi sendiri bikin worry..
bukannya apa2..
gw kan pemabok beratzz my man...
pastinya bakalan teler kalo sendirian..
ini aja sudah keliyengan mikirnya..
tapi ini berlaku trip Muara Teweh - Banjar Masin doank..
kalo udah di Bandara
magically gw sehat walafiat.. heu...
mau nyoba trip air planningnya...
kali aja ada speed boat dari Buntok (BarSel) ke Bjm..
skalian mau Journey gitu.
tapi sampai sekarang belum adainfo yg akurat.
so.. pending and keep calm.....
lagi mikir mau beli travel bag..
yg bagasi ato 20 ya..
soalnya koper gw hilang pas ngetrip Konser MBlaq 2012 kemarin..
pengeluaran lageee....
yo wes..
mari nyari uang yg halal dan banyak aja lah....
buat bekal nanti..
take a deep breathe..
to much excited...
Setelah diskusi alot bersama Lia dari tahun ke tahun... haha..
Korean trip ini sudah lama gw bidik..
tepatnya kapan gw mulai chit chat sama Lia juga sudah lupa..
awal tahun 2014 gw ajak dia .. egen... berangkat entah di Oktober atau December..
dgn alasan..
kalo ntargw menikah di 2015 yah susah perginya..
pede amat ..
yakin merit githu..
padahal yg bakal ngajak ke penghulu belum jelas..
yah namanya nasib siapa tau kan..
so skip skip..
karena uang juga masih kembang kempis..
padahal tahun kemarin gw gak kemana-mana,,,
gak ikut trip Thailand..
cancel Jawatimur trip...
demi nabung untuk Korea...
terakhir ngetrip 2013 maret..
ke singapore...
langsung terkuras tabungan..
dan musti nabung 2 tahun lebih baru ngetrip lagi haha..
setelah searching berbagai tur.. dan masih bingung mau ikut yang mana..
gak pede pergi backpacker sendiri..
karena terganjal pengurusan visa...
daripada di tolak kan...
mending ikut yg pasti..
and one day..
Lia cerita kalo ada temannya Dwi yg mau ngetrip ke Korrea lagi...
so here we are..
join trip nya Dwi, dia yg ngurusin semua nya...
jadi kita tinggal bayar gitu....
transfer pertama buat tiket awal Maret kemarin..
tabungan gw langsung kemarau sampai mengering hahaha..
planningnya berangkat di October ntar..
dengan rute
nginap di KL dulu besoknya pagi baru ke Seoul...
oke lah...
sekarang yg jadi pikiran gw adalah...
ntar gw ke Bjm nya pake travel atau ikut jalur air..
duuuhh pergi sendiri bikin worry..
bukannya apa2..
gw kan pemabok beratzz my man...
pastinya bakalan teler kalo sendirian..
ini aja sudah keliyengan mikirnya..
tapi ini berlaku trip Muara Teweh - Banjar Masin doank..
kalo udah di Bandara
magically gw sehat walafiat.. heu...
mau nyoba trip air planningnya...
kali aja ada speed boat dari Buntok (BarSel) ke Bjm..
skalian mau Journey gitu.
tapi sampai sekarang belum adainfo yg akurat.
so.. pending and keep calm.....
lagi mikir mau beli travel bag..
yg bagasi ato 20 ya..
soalnya koper gw hilang pas ngetrip Konser MBlaq 2012 kemarin..
pengeluaran lageee....
yo wes..
mari nyari uang yg halal dan banyak aja lah....
buat bekal nanti..
Korea I'm Coming.... This Fall
Hey hooo..
March 2015 already....
satu triwulan akan segera berlalu..
time fly so fast ya....
angin bertiup...
daun2 berjatuhan...
gak lama turun hujan... hee..
Do you have a dream?
Biggest Dream? Small dream? or just dream?
i have... a lot of dream.. haha
the biggest one is travelling around the world..
since i've graduated from academy i kept thinking how to earn a lot of money
but i still can travelling and life fun haha..
so cheesy right.. is'nt it...
then one day..
there's country name Korea, make me feel something..
the thing is.. i don't know..
i have go there.. someday..
when i was in junor high school i watched KDrama..
just like any other Drama...
Japan, Taiwan, Chineese.. dll..
like it..
but i never know that one day my heart goes far away about it..
when i on college i like a lot of boy band..
not really.. it's happen since i'm younger..
but i like korean boy band clearly was when i on college.
and.. there's a cute actor that got in my eyes..
Choi Siwon..
18 vs 29..
when i was in grade 2nd on college..
i was crazy over him..
every time i go to internet cafe i searched about him...
and i found he was one of Super Junior member..
time goes fly..
i busy with study.. graduated..dating someone that make me forget my craziness over idol.. haha..
you know..
that's can happened.. sometime..
love is something deep.. have a lot of meaning..
can make you only look at him..
naman.. barrabwa...
but when i broke-up with him..
i feel so.. so.. desperate...
i don't know how much i loved him till make me feel so...empty at that time...
yeah... the memory kept me couldn't like any other guy instead of him..
pity me..
the break even still inside me..
but i don't wanna go back with him..
coz instead of good memory..
i have a bad memory too.. about him..
it's make me.. like...
i do..love him much...
but to get hurt again around him cz my love..
can hurt my pride..
so my pride win
and i burried my stupid loveydovey far far away..
and acted as how cool i was..
no one know how bleeding my heart..
till i made myself sink into K-Idol world to forget my feeling..
all the love that i have...
it's like substitute...
the subject and feeling is the same..
but i replace the object..
soound crazy ...
i was crazy one...
when i wrote, told, repeat that i like someone .. idol...
that's how i got over my feeling from my ex...
so ppl find... how crazy i was as fangirlling...
and me to..
at the time i forget that feeling...
and make myself become a crazy hard fangirling...
at one point...
i falling to Korean itself..
the country, language, culture, music etc..
not only like the idol...
on 2009..
the first time i wrote article about where the place that i want to go if i go to Korea.
.... so long... haha..
time after time i keep that dream.. that planned..
all of my friend who know's me..
they know that's i want go there..
but not the reason..
everyone just said..
i want go there by simple reason..
it's hard to say in a simple word..
i fallen to this country in a kind of level that i can't explain in easy way..
so here i now..
march 2015...
make my decision to visit one of the biggest dream...
i'll go to Korea by this Fall..
October 20, 2015..
so happy..
so excited...
so much feel inside my heart..
wish myself luck about this plan..
and when i arrive there..
i wish a lot of good memory will happen...
something that can cure this lonely stupid heartless lol...
can't wait enough for my next Journey...
Wait for me...
even now i'm not as craziness like i was before to idol oppa...
i still like you... oppa.. ^^
i told one of my fren about my planning last week..
and she was.. so .. so...
she said..
finally you'll go there..
since i dream from so long time ago she liked so much happy for me..
i'm not yet tell the other..
hmm cz it's still so early..
maybe i tell them when i'll make visa..
and the other friend mesej me yesterday..
"I have feeling that you will go somewhere."
hmmm, banyak yg akan berkata
"Apa sich yang bagus dari Korea?"
"Kenapa kamu begitu menyukai korea, para boyband itu?"
mungkin jawabannya akan terdengar kekanakan..
Korea dan para boyband nya lah yg menemani malam2 patah hati gw...
and i'm gone addicted to...
semacam obat..
ketika seseorang terserang sakit.. maka ia akan mencari obat..
at the time when i've got hurt,... there's Kpop music can cured me
mungkin untuk beberapa org akan berbeda..
ada yg obat nya adalah cinta lain..
the problem in me is...
back at the time when i've got hurt i met suck namja...
the one who want get along with me but i knew he has a girlfriend and make me sick..
what's happen on you.. Man..
so i made decision to cure my bleeding heart to being Fangirling...
Rabu, 04 Februari 2015
HeartBreak Event
have you ever experience about heartbreak...
i think everyone have this kind of experience...
but every ppl have different way to solve this...
some will cry all night long..
some will going crazy...
some will speak bulshit about how they hate the ex..
some will going crawling..
and made she or himself beg to ex together...
or.. some.. will fine... maybe cz they are the one who cut the tie...
when i fisrt experience this..
feel like there's a hole in my life..
i though my days gone winter 365 days more without him
the pitch black sky feel so cold like it will shatter
the night air is breezing through my finger cold
goodbye are always unbearably cold
When it’s time for the flowers to bloom
i keep asking and looking for..
after the last goodbye
still hard to find another heart
i think everyone have this kind of experience...
but every ppl have different way to solve this...
some will cry all night long..
some will going crazy...
some will speak bulshit about how they hate the ex..
some will going crawling..
and made she or himself beg to ex together...
or.. some.. will fine... maybe cz they are the one who cut the tie...
when i fisrt experience this..
feel like there's a hole in my life..
i though my days gone winter 365 days more without him
the pitch black sky feel so cold like it will shatter
the night air is breezing through my finger cold
goodbye are always unbearably cold
When it’s time for the flowers to bloom
i keep asking and looking for..
after the last goodbye
still hard to find another heart
My Favorite Day Of The Week
There's seven day in a week...
From Sunday to Saturday....
everyone has their own fav day.. hasn't they?
during seven day.. people busy with working, studying, do daily activity and so on..
a lot of people like Sunday...
cz the day is off working and studying..
people can do another activity which they can't do on weekday..
then Monday is a day which lot of people not like it..
it supposed to be like that..
yeah cz this day wake people up from heavenly sunday ^_^..
Isn't it true?
There is I Love Sunday.. and I Hate Monday...
but at this day..
there is new tribute for I Like Monday..
yeah.. good one...
there is people love Friday..
cz the day off work .. Saturday-Sunday is free..
How about me?...
my fav Days is... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...
for wednesday.. cz it's like alarm which tell "Okay, monday and tuesday is passed..now the rest is Joy."
i'm not hate monday..
but somehow it's just to hard to handle my lazyness to start work instead i need and love to earn money kekeke.
Thursday... well.. my Fav KDrama always coming at this morning...haha looks simple
but i'm happy anywaysssss..
Friday... it's the top of Joy on the week..
short time to work... so i can go around and chilling out with my fren...
do a lot of thhing such as watching movie, reading books, cooking, cleaning my room, salon day ^^
for Saturday and Sunday, i don't say i don't like it..
but when it's happening all this time i realize how short the 24 hours in the day..
it's the same, cz my work day from Monday to Saturday,
so Sunday just like...
hanging and chilling...
i always think like.. okey today is Sunday what else i can do today...
so there is a lot of plan come up..
then when i wake up..
ugh this Monday again without i can rest of my brain for time by...
yeah.. there is always busy sunday for me... hahaha..
but.. everyday just like that..
always the same..
Selasa, 03 Februari 2015
Asking This Heart
i didn't know it is love or just...
still can't figure out this feeling...
but why this heartaching instead
but it's hurt sometime...
i let you go like a fool..
and now when i see you with someone else..
i feel sorry to myself...
can i have that kind of happiness
if the girl is me beside you...
i couldn't say it even once...
why i've being like this..
i can't stop thinking of you now..
why.. why..
i let you go like that...
you can't hear this..
so you don't know..
just like in the past time..
i'm the one who couldn't made a call
even if i want...
but waited for you call me first..
it somehow make me sadness..
is it i miss you, finally..
or just because the rainy days..
so i get gloomy...
still can't figure out this feeling...
but why this heartaching instead
but it's hurt sometime...
i let you go like a fool..
and now when i see you with someone else..
i feel sorry to myself...
can i have that kind of happiness
if the girl is me beside you...
i couldn't say it even once...
why i've being like this..
i can't stop thinking of you now..
why.. why..
i let you go like that...
you can't hear this..
so you don't know..
just like in the past time..
i'm the one who couldn't made a call
even if i want...
but waited for you call me first..
it somehow make me sadness..
is it i miss you, finally..
or just because the rainy days..
so i get gloomy...
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